Applications for Suidoosterfees open

Suidoosterfees festival.
Applications for the 2020 Suidoosterfees are now open until Friday June 21. The 17th Suidoosterfees with the slogan A Festival for All will take place in Cape Town from 27 April to 3 May 2020.

The entry form is available on the Suidoosterfees website and can be sent to All production suggestions should include the following information:

1. Name and genre of production
2. Synopsis, language, duration and age restriction
3. Set design and tech rider (technical needs)
4. Production team and artists involved
5. Motivation for the inclusion of your production at the Suidoosterfees
6. Detailed budget (complete template on website)
7. Contact details (email, contact number, plus alternate contact number)

For more information or assistance with the application process, contact Francois Abrahams at 021 406 2456 or e-mail

For more information on the script writing project, contact Theo Kemp, the executive director of the Jakes Gerwel Foundation at